Outside of the main 3 and characters who have not shown their faces yet, nothing/nobody else really changed. Kris and Susie still go to get chalk for Alphys in chapter 1.
They become closer at the end. Noelle and Berdly become Queen’s peons in chapter 2
(... kind of). Kris still opens a fountain at the end. Nothing of note really changes.
(I think.)
TEAMMATESWAP, despite having serious moments, is a very unserious au. It started as a lighthearted au and still is one (pretty much)! We have fun here on the TEAMMATESWAP team aka literally just me there’s nobody else here it’s just me. Because of this, some info may change from time to time. (Though at this point? The more important stuff is pretty much set in stone.)
Though I don’t take this au too seriously like the other creators with their fanprojects, I hope you enjoy what I have in store regardless! And even if you don’t, I appreciate you checking it out anyways!